Manager Infection Prevention & Control Services
Telford, Pennsylvania
Mr. Davis has decades of nursing experience spanning long-term care, adult critical care, clinical decision support, education, management, and infection prevention. Currently he is the Manager of the Infection Prevention and Control Services at ECRI.
Mr. Davis is board-certified in infection control and epidemiology (CIC) and is a certified healthcare environmental manager (HEM), and holds national certification in adult critical care nursing (CCRN-K). He is a member of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Prevention (APIC), is an APIC Fellow (FAPIC) and has served as President of the Philadelphia/Delaware Valley Chapter, and is a past Chair of APIC’s national research committee. He has provided educational programs on infection control topics for risk management groups and patient safety organizations, as well as for hospitals, long term care and ambulatory surgery systems.
Drug Diversion and Infection Prevention: When the Needle Hits the Vein
Monday, June 3, 2024
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CST
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose